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A typical error code is lead by a "W" and followed by six numbers. An Example is W120001. Hereby, the first three red colored characters indicate the file where the error occured and the last four blue colored digits the error.
The first three characters of the error code are translated to the following files:
Code | File |
W10 | analysis.f90 |
W11 | benam_class.f90 |
W12 | beta_decay_rate_module.f90 |
W13 | chem_pot.f90 |
W14 | driver.f90 |
W15 | effphase_class.f90 |
W16 | error_msg_class.f90 |
W17 | expansion_module.f90 |
W18 | file_handling_class.f90 |
W19 | fission_rate_module.f90 |
W20 | flow_module.f90 |
W21 | format_class.f90 |
W22 | gear_module.f90 |
W23 | global_class.f90 |
W24 | hdf5_module.f90 |
W25 | hydro_trajectory.f90 |
W26 | detailed_balance.f90 |
W27 | inter_module.f90 |
W28 | jacobian_class.f90 |
W29 | mergesort_module.f90 |
W30 | network_init_module.f90 |
W31 | nuclear_heating.f90 |
W32 | nucstuff_class.f90 |
W33 | nuflux_class.f90 |
W34 | parameter_class.f90 |
W35 | pardiso_class.f90 |
W36 | parser_module.f90 |
W37 | quadpack_module.f90 |
W38 | reaclib_rate_module.f90 |
W39 | readini.f90 |
W40 | screening_module.f90 |
W41 | single_zone_vars.f90 |
W42 | tabulated_rate_module.f90 |
W43 | timestep_module.f90 |
W44 | tw_rate_module.f90 |
W45 | winnse_module.f90 |
W46 | alpha_decay_rate_module.f90 |
The error codes are translated to the following problems:
Code | File |
W100000 | Unknown error. |
W110001 | Allocation failure. |
W110002 | Deallocation failure. |
W110003 | Problem reading WinVn. |
W110004 | Problem reading sunet. |
W120001 | Allocation failure. |
W120002 | Deallocation failure. |
W130001 | Allocation failure. |
W130002 | Deallocation failure. |
W130003 | Temperature was off grid (too hot). |
W130004 | Temperature was off grid (too cold). |
W130005 | rho * ye was off grid (too high). |
W130006 | rho * ye was off grid (too low). |
W140003 | Solver not known. |
W160003 | Unable to convert string to integer. |
W160004 | Unable to convert string to float. |
W170003 | Expansion type unknown. |
W170004 | Extrapolation width larger than trajectory grid points. |
W170005 | Extrapolation width smaller than 2. |
W170006 | Expansion velocity is negative. |
W170007 | Error calling the EOS. |
W170008 | Expansion type unknown. |
W180003 | No free file id. |
W180004 | Unable to open file for writing. |
W180005 | Unable to open file for reading. |
W180006 | Unable to close file due to invalid id. |
W180007 | Unable to close file. |
W180008 | Unable to delete file. |
W190001 | Allocation failure. |
W190002 | Deallocation failure. |
W190003 | Unknown fission flag. |
W190004 | Unable to read abla_n fission file. |
W190005 | Unable to rewind abla_n fission file. |
W190006 | Unable to read abla_beta fission file. |
W190007 | Unable to rewind abla_beta fission file. |
W190008 | Unable to include fission fragment. |
W190009 | Fragment yield not conserved. |
W190010 | Fission format not implemented. |
W190011 | Fission type not implemented. |
W190012 | Unable to read fission rates in prob. format |
W190013 | Fragment not found in sunet |
W190014 | Unknown reac_src. |
W190015 | Unknown missing fragment distribution. |
W190016 | Fragment not specified in file. |
W190017 | Fission probability greater than 1. |
W190018 | Fission reaction violates mass. |
W220001 | Allocation failure. |
W240001 | Allocation failure. |
W240002 | Deallocation failure. |
W240003 | Could not initialize predefined datatypes. |
W240004 | Unable to open hdf5 file. |
W240005 | Unable create hdf5 group. |
W240006 | Unable to create dataspace. |
W240007 | Unable to close the dataspace. |
W240008 | gzip compression filter was not available. |
W240009 | gzip compression filter was not available for (de)compression. |
W240010 | Unable to modify dataset properties. |
W240011 | Unable to deflate and apply gzip filter. |
W240012 | Unable to enable chunking. |
W240013 | Unable to write dataset. |
W240014 | Unable to extend dataset. |
W240015 | Unable to create new memspace. |
W240016 | Unable to select hyperslab. |
W240017 | Unable to close hdf5 group. |
W240018 | Unable to close hdf5 file. |
W240019 | Unable to close property list. |
W260001 | Allocation failure. |
W260002 | Deallocation failure. |
W240003 | Unable to create chapter 7 reverse rate. |
W240004 | Reaclib chapter of reaction not valid. |
W240005 | Detailed balance parameter turned off, but trying to calculate rate. |
W270003 | Value for interpolation was out of bounds. |
W270004 | Unknown interpolation type. |
W270005 | Unknown reverse interpolation method. |
W270006 | Root must be bracketed for Brents method. |
W280003 | Reaclib rate got infinity. |
W280004 | Fission rate got infinity. |
W280005 | n-induced fission rate got infinity. |
W280006 | Ye got NaN. |
W280007 | Ye got negative. |
W280008 | Ye got larger 1. |
W280009 | Reaclib chapter unknown. |
W280009 | rho x ye got NaN. |
W280010 | dYdt got NaN. |
W280011 | Unknown reaction origin. |
W290001 | Allocation failure. |
W290003 | Unknown sort mode. |
W290004 | Inconsistent index array. |
W300001 | Allocation failure. |
W300003 | Last temperature point of trajectory too high. |
W300004 | Unknown trajectory_mode. |
W300005 | Error when calling EOS. |
W300006 | Unknown termination_criterion. |
W310003 | Error in EOS. |
W310004 | Heating mode not implemented. |
W320001 | Allocation failure. |
W320003 | Unknown Reaclib chapter. |
W320004 | No corresponding chapter. |
W330001 | Allocation failure. |
W330003 | Unknown neutrino type. |
W330004 | Unknown neutrino reaction type. |
W330005 | Nuflag not implemented. |
W330006 | Wrong formatted nu-channel file. |
W340003 | Unable to read parameter file. |
W340004 | Unknown parameter. |
W340005 | Unable to parse parameter. |
W340006 | NSE temperatures are inconsistent. |
W340007 | Init temperatures are inconsistent. |
W340008 | nr_mincount and nr_maxcount are inconsistent. |
W340009 | Inconsistent termination criterium. |
W340010 | Inconsistent binary files. |
W350003 | el(i) got NaN. |
W350004 | Unknown solver. |
W360001 | Allocation failure. |
W360003 | Unable to parse operator. |
W360004 | Unable to parse function. |
W360005 | Unable to convert string. |
W360006 | Unknown character. |
W360007 | Array was not allocated. |
W380001 | Allocation failure. |
W380003 | "Res" flag not known. |
W380004 | "Rev" flag not known. |
W390001 | Allocation failure. |
W390002 | Deallocation failure. |
W390003 | Unable to read custom snapshots. |
W390004 | Trajectory time unit not known. |
W390005 | Trajectory temperature unit not known. |
W390006 | Trajectory density unit not known. |
W390007 | Trajectory radius unit not known. |
W390008 | Trajectory neutrino temperature unit not known. |
W390009 | Trajectory neutrino energy unit not known. |
W390010 | Trajectory neutrino luminosity unit not known. |
W390011 | Trajectory column name not known. |
W390012 | Trajectory necessary column missing. |
W390013 | Trajectory necessary neutrino column missing. |
W390014 | Trajectory radius not specified correctly. |
W390015 | Last time in trajectory was negative. |
W390016 | Unphysical value of Ye in trajectory. |
W390017 | Unphysical value of radius in trajectory. |
W390018 | Unphysical value of temperature in trajectory. |
W390019 | Unphysical value of density in trajectory. |
W390020 | Trajectory time not monotonically increasing. |
W390021 | Seed format column was not known. |
W390022 | A column for the seed file was missing. |
W390023 | Abundance information in seed file was missing. |
W390024 | Failed to read the trajectory file. |
W390025 | Norm of initial abundances not correct. |
W390026 | No tracked nuclei found. |
W390027 | No custom snapshot found. |
W400001 | Allocation failure. |
W400003 | Screening mode not implemented. |
W400004 | Screening derivatives not implemented. |
W420001 | Allocation failure. |
W420002 | Deallocation failure. |
W420003 | Reading of tabulated rates failed. |
W420004 | Temperature grid has to be monotonically increasing. |
W430003 | Timestep got NaN after ye_timestep. |
W430004 | Timestep got NaN after abchange_timestep. |
W430005 | Timestep got NaN after hydro_timestep. |
W430006 | Timestep got NaN after restrict_timestep. |
W430007 | Timestep got NaN in hydro_timestep. |
W430008 | Timestep got too small. |
W430009 | Error in EOS. |
W430010 | Maximum number of adapting steps needed. |
W430011 | Not converging within mass conservation requirement. |
W440001 | Allocation failure. |
W440002 | Deallocation failure. |
W440003 | Weak rate grid was not regular. |
W440004 | Unknown iwinterp type. |
W440005 | Not all weak rates could get replaced. |
W440006 | Replaced too many rates. |
W440007 | Not all rates were removed. |
W440008 | Too many rates were removed. |
W440009 | Unknown array to interpolate. |
W450003 | Maximum number of iterations reached. |
W450004 | Temperature difference was too small. |
W450005 | NSE solver did not converge. |
W450006 | Unknown NSE solver. |
W460001 | Allocation failure. |
W460002 | Deallocation failure. |