parameter_class.f90 File Reference

Module parameter_class with all simulation parameters. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  parameter_class::unit_type
 constants and unit conversion factors More...


module  parameter_class
 Contains all runtime parameters as well as phys and math constants.


subroutine, public parameter_class::unit_define ()
 Declares values for the elements in unit_type. More...
subroutine parameter_class::read_param (parfile)
 This function reads the parameter file. More...
subroutine parameter_class::set_param (param_name, param_value)
 Sets a global parameter param_name to the value, given by its string representation param_value. More...
integer function parameter_class::read_integer_param (input_string, param_name)
 Converts a string to an integer. More...
real(r_kind) function parameter_class::read_float_param (input_string, param_name)
 Converts a string to an float. More...
subroutine parameter_class::set_default_param
 Sets default parameters Parameters are sorted in alphabetical order. More...
subroutine parameter_class::output_param
 Output parameters to a file. More...
subroutine parameter_class::check_param
 Check for consistency of parameter. More...
subroutine parameter_class::search_close_parameter (possible_pars, input_par, score, cl_par)
 Search for similar existing parameters. More...
real(r_kind) function parameter_class::levenshteindistance (par1, par2)
 Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two strings. More...
subroutine parameter_class::read_sanity_check_prepared_network
 Read important parameters from a binary file and check for consistency. More...
subroutine parameter_class::output_param_prepared_network (path)
 Output relevant parameters to a file in the prepared network path. More...
subroutine parameter_class::output_binary_parameter_data (path)
 Output the parameter data to a binary file. More...
character(3) function yesno (claim)
 Converts .TRUE.->"yes", .FALSE. -> "no". More...


type(unit_type), public parameter_class::unit
 constants and unit conversion factors More...
integer, parameter, public parameter_class::param_name_len = 200
 – hardcoded parameters More...
integer, parameter, public parameter_class::max_fname_len = 400
 maximum length of filenames More...
integer parameter_class::out_every
 – runtime parameters set when reading parameter file More...
integer parameter_class::snapshot_every
 snapshot output frequency More...
integer parameter_class::h_snapshot_every
 snapshot output frequency in hdf5 format More...
integer parameter_class::flow_every
 flow output frequency More...
integer parameter_class::h_flow_every
 flow output frequency in hdf5 format More...
integer parameter_class::timescales_every
 timescales output frequency More...
integer parameter_class::h_timescales_every
 timescales output frequency in hdf5 format More...
integer parameter_class::engen_every
 Energy generation output frequency. More...
integer parameter_class::h_engen_every
 Energy generation output frequency in hdf5 format. More...
integer parameter_class::nrdiag_every
 frequency of NR loop diagnostic messages (wrt iteration counter) More...
integer parameter_class::mainout_every
 frequency of mainout output More...
integer parameter_class::h_mainout_every
 HDF5 output frequency of the mainout. More...
integer parameter_class::track_nuclei_every
 frequency of track nuclei output More...
integer parameter_class::h_track_nuclei_every
 frequency of track nuclei output in hdf5 format More...
integer parameter_class::top_engen_every
 frequency of energy generators toplist More...
logical parameter_class::use_alpha_decay_file
 Switch for using additional alpha decay rates. More...
integer parameter_class::alpha_decay_zmin
 Minimum Z for additional alpha decay rates. More...
integer parameter_class::alpha_decay_zmax
 Maximum Z for additional alpha decay rates. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::alpha_decay_src_ignore
 Source flag(s) to ignore within the alpha decay rates. More...
logical parameter_class::alpha_decay_ignore_all
 Flag whether rates should actually get replaced or only added. More...
integer parameter_class::iwformat
 defines format of the weak rates (0 = tabulated, 1 = log<ft>) More...
integer parameter_class::iwinterp
 defines the interpolation for the weak rates (0 = bilinear, 1 = bicubic) More...
 temperature below which one should not use theoretical weak rates so they are replaced with exp. weak rates (min 1.d-2) More...
 Tmperature at which rates get frozen (for reacl. rates this should be 1d-2GK) More...
integer parameter_class::nuflag
 defines type of neutrino reactions used More...
integer parameter_class::fissflag
 defines type of fission fragment distribution used More...
integer parameter_class::expansiontype
 defines prescription used for parametrized expansion after the last timestep of the hydro input More...
integer parameter_class::extrapolation_width
 how many points from the end of trajectory to use when computing residual expansion More...
integer parameter_class::nse_calc_every
 Compute NSE abundances every x step. More...
character *20 parameter_class::trajectory_mode
 determines how trajectory is calculated (from_file|analytic|expand) More...
logical parameter_class::read_initial_composition
 specify whether initial distribution of abundances should be read from file More...
logical parameter_class::use_tabulated_rates
 switch for using tabulated rates (e.g. talysNGrates.dat) More...
logical parameter_class::use_beta_decay_file
 switch for using different format for beta decays More...
logical parameter_class::use_prepared_network
 Use a prepared folder with all necessary data in binary format. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::beta_decay_src_ignore
 Source flag(s) to ignore within the beta decay file. More...
logical parameter_class::use_timmes_mue
 Use electron chemical potentials from timmes EOS for theoretical weak rates. More...
logical parameter_class::use_detailed_balance
 Calculate the inverse reactions via detailed balance rather than using them form file. More...
logical parameter_class::use_detailed_balance_q_reac
 Use Q-value from reaclib for the calculation of detailed balance. More...
logical parameter_class::use_thermal_nu_loss
 Whether to include thermal neutrino loss or not. More...
integer parameter_class::nu_loss_every
 Output neutrino loss and gain. More...
integer parameter_class::h_nu_loss_every
 Output neutrino loss and gain in hdf5 format. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::detailed_balance_src_ignore
 Source flag(s) to ignore within calculated detailed balance. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::detailed_balance_src_q_reac
 Source flag(s) to use q-value from rate file for inverse reaction. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::detailed_balance_src_q_winvn
 Source flag(s) to use q-value from winvn file for inverse reaction. More...
logical parameter_class::use_neutrino_loss_file
 Use a file with Qnu values? More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::neutrino_loss_file
 Path to a file containing Qnu values. More...
logical parameter_class::custom_snapshots
 If true, a file must be provided with numbers in days. Snapshots will be created for these points in time. More...
logical parameter_class::h_custom_snapshots
 Same, but in hdf5 format. More...
 total energy generation [MeV/s] More...
 energy generation from alpha-decays [MeV/s] More...
 energy generation from beta-decays [MeV/s] More...
 energy generation from fission [MeV/s] More...
 T [GK] lowest allowed temperature to start the calculation from. More...
 T [GK] for the starting point of the trajectory: =0: from the beginning; >0: from the last T>initemp. More...
 Minimum temperature [GK] when descending to desired temperature in NSE. More...
 Tolerance for the NR loop in the NSE calculation. More...
integer parameter_class::nse_max_it
 Maximum amount of NSE iterations. More...
integer parameter_class::nse_solver
 Solver for calculating NSE. 0: Newton-Raphson, 1: Powell's hybrid method. More...
 T [GK] for the nse->network switch. More...
 T [GK] for the nse<-network switch. More...
logical parameter_class::calc_nsep_energy
 calculate neutron separation energy? More...
logical parameter_class::h_engen_detailed
 Output the energy per parent nucleus and reaction type. More...
 use this fraction of nuclear-generated energy for heating More...
 Density at which nuclear heating will be switched on (-1) to always include heating. More...
 high initial temperature in GK for winnse_descend subroutine More...
 for parameteric trajectories: initial time More...
integer parameter_class::termination_criterion
 condition to terminate the simulation ([0]=trajectory_file, 1=final_time, 2=final_temp, 3=final_dens, 4=neutron freeze-out) More...
 this value is used as a stepsize at initial step More...
 termination time in seconds More...
 termination temperature [GK] More...
 termination density [g/cm3] More...
 Maximum factor for the change of the timestep. The new timestep is only allowed to be timestep_max * old_timestep. Default value is 2. More...
 Factor for the change of the timestep (see nu in Winteler 2012 Eq. 2.49). Default value is 1.0d-1. More...
 Factor for the maximum change of the hydrodynamic quantities (density and temperature) More...
 Lower limit of the abundance to contribute to the timestep calculation, default value is 1.0d-10. More...
 Abundance accuracy for gear solver. More...
 Normalization cutoff for gear solver, similar to timestep_Ymin for Euler. More...
 Conservative timestep factor for gear solver [0.1, ... , 0.4]. More...
 Convergence criterion for the newton-raphson of the gear solver. More...
 For gear solver. More...
integer parameter_class::gear_nr_maxcount
 Maximum newton-raphson iterations for gear solver. More...
integer parameter_class::gear_nr_mincount
 Minimum newton-raphson iterations for gear solver. More...
logical parameter_class::gear_ignore_adapt_stepsize
 Flag whether gear should ignore the adapt stepsize loop. More...
logical parameter_class::timestep_traj_limit
 Should the timestep be limited by the timestep of the trajectory. More...
logical parameter_class::use_htpf
 Use high temperature partition functions or not. More...
logical parameter_class::h_finab
 Store the finab in hdf5 format rather than in ascii format. More...
integer parameter_class::solver
 solver flag (0 - implicit Euler, 1 - Gear's method, ...), is integer as it is faster than comparing strings every timestep More...
integer parameter_class::heating_mode
 Mode for heating: 0 - no heating, 1 - heating using an entropy equation, 2 - heating from the energy generation and trajectory changes. More...
 Convergence parameter for the temperature in the heating mode. More...
integer parameter_class::screening_mode
 Mode for coulomb corrections: 0 - no screening, 1 - screening using the prescription of Kravchuk & Yakovlev 2014. More...
integer parameter_class::interp_mode
 Mode for interpolation of temperature and density. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::trajectory_file
 name of trajectory data file More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::seed_file
 name of file with initial seeds for trajectory run More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::seed_format
 Seed format. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::net_source
 list of isotopes included in the network (sunet) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::isotopes_file
 properties of all isotopes in the network: masses, partition functions etc. (winvn) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::htpf_file
 high-temperature partition functions (htpf.dat) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::reaclib_file
 reaction rate library (reaclib) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::fission_rates_spontaneous
 reaction library for spontaneous fission rates More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::fission_rates_n_induced
 reaction library for neutron induced fission rates More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::fission_rates_beta_delayed
 reaction library for beta delayed fission rates More...
integer parameter_class::fission_format_beta_delayed
 Format of beta-delayed fission rates (0: Off, 1: Reaclib, 2: Halflifes, 3: Probability) More...
integer parameter_class::fission_format_n_induced
 Format of neutron-induced fission rates (0: Off, 1: Reaclib) More...
integer parameter_class::fission_format_spontaneous
 Format of spontaneous fission rates (0: Off, 1: Reaclib, 2: Halflifes) More...
integer parameter_class::fission_frag_spontaneous
 Fragment distribution of spontaneous fission rates in case of custom fragments (fissflag=4) More...
integer parameter_class::fission_frag_n_induced
 Fragment distribution of n-induced fission rates in case of custom fragments (fissflag=4) More...
integer parameter_class::fission_frag_beta_delayed
 Fragment distribution of beta-delayed fission rates in case of custom fragments (fissflag=4) More...
integer parameter_class::fission_frag_missing
 Fragment distribution in case of missing fragments in case of custom fragments (fissflag=4) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::weak_rates_file
 weak rates library (twr.dat) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::tabulated_rates_file
 tabulated rates library (e.g. talysNGrates.dat) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::tabulated_temperature_file
 file containing grid of tabulated temperature file ("default" for default grid) More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::chem_pot_file
 tabulated chemical potential of electron gas More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::nsep_energies_file
 neutron separation energies More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::nunucleo_rates_file
 neutrino reaction rates on nucleons More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::nuchannel_file
 Contains neutrino channel information as in Sieverding et al. 2018. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::nurates_file
 Neutrino reactions on heavy nuclei as in Sieverding et al. 2018. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::snapshot_file
 File that contains days, where a snapshot should be made. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::bfission_file
 Fission table for beta-delayed fission. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::nfission_file
 Fission table for neutron-induced fission. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::sfission_file
 Fission table for spontaneous fission. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::track_nuclei_file
 File of nuclei to track. Gives an output similar to mainout.dat. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::alpha_decay_file
 File with additional alpha decays. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::beta_decay_file
 File for reading in beta decays in different format. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::trajectory_format
 Format to read the trajectory. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::neutrino_mode
 Similar to trajectory mode. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::t9_analytic
 analytic temperature [T9] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::rho_analytic
 analytic density [g/cm3] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::rkm_analytic
 analytic radial scale [km] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::ye_analytic
 analytic electron fraction More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::le
 electron-neutrino luminosities [erg/s] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::lebar
 electron-antineutrino luminosities [erg/s] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::enue
 average electron-neutrino energies [MeV] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::enuebar
 average electron-antineutrino energies [MeV] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::lx
 Muon and Tauon neutrino luminosities [erg/s]. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::lxbar
 Muon and Tauon antineutrino luminosities [erg/s]. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::enux
 average Muon and Tauon neutrino energies [MeV] More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::enuxbar
 average Muon and Tauon antineutrino energies [MeV] More...
 Maximum time for neutrino reactions to react. More...
 Neutrino temperature cutoff for neutrino reactions [MeV]. More...
 Neutrino luminosity cutoff for neutrino reactions [erg/g/s]. More...
character(max_fname_len) parameter_class::prepared_network_path
 Prepared network folder. More...
integer parameter_class::nr_maxcount
 – Newton-Raphson iterative loop parameters More...
integer parameter_class::nr_mincount
 Minimum iterations in NR. More...
 exit NR if tolerance less than this value More...
integer parameter_class::adapt_stepsize_maxcount
 max. iterations in adapting the stepsize More...
character(len= *), parameter, private parameter_class::par_binary_name ='parameter.windat'
 other static variables More...
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable parameter_class::weights
 – parameters for efficient numerical integration of effphase in the interval [1,infinity] More...
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable parameter_class::xnodes
 corresponding nodes " More...
logical parameter_class::weightscalculated = .false.
 switch to calculated weights and nodes for [1,infinity] More...
integer parameter_class::ncc = 256
 nr of points for Clenshaw-Curtis integration More...
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable parameter_class::dcc
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable parameter_class::matcc
 matrices for Clenshaw-Curtis integration More...
real(r_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable parameter_class::mcc

Detailed Description

Module parameter_class with all simulation parameters.

The error file code for this file is W34.

Definition in file parameter_class.f90.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ yesno()

character(3) function yesno ( logical, intent(in)  claim)

Converts .TRUE.->"yes", .FALSE. -> "no".

Definition at line 1704 of file parameter_class.f90.