parser_module.f90 File Reference

Module parser_module, which enables parsing strings for analytic trajectory mode. More...

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module  parser_module
 Subroutines for equation parsing in case of an analytic trajectory or luminosity mode.


logical function, private parser_module::is_digit (str_in)
 Function to decide whether a character is a number or not (i.e., 0-9). More...
logical function, private parser_module::is_operator (str_in)
 Function to decide whether a character is a mathematical operator or not. Functions (as e.g., sin) are not defined here! More...
logical function, private parser_module::is_dot_operator (str_in)
 Function to decide whether a character is "*" or "/". More...
logical function, private parser_module::is_line_operator (str_in)
 Function to decide whether a character is a "+" or "-". More...
logical function, private parser_module::is_power_operator (str_in)
 Function to decide whether a character is a "^". More...
logical function, private parser_module::is_separator (str_in)
 Function to decide whether a character can be associated with a number. More...
real(r_kind) function, private parser_module::operation (number_1, number_2, str_in)
 Function to perform a simple mathematical operation. More...
real(r_kind) function, private parser_module::eval_function (number, str_in)
 Function to perform a function operations. More...
subroutine, private parser_module::make_pars_str_consistent
 Subroutine to check the parsing string for consistency and correct it. More...
real(r_kind) function, private parser_module::common_variables (inp_str)
 Function to define constants. More...
subroutine, private parser_module::store_digits_operator
 Store mathematical operators (+-*/) and numbers in arrays. More...
subroutine, private parser_module::get_simple_result
 Evaluate a simple string expression, without brackets and functions. More...
subroutine, private parser_module::evaluate
 Evaluate a complex string expression. More...
real(r_kind) function, public parser_module::parse_string (input_string, var_value)
 Takes a string and evaluates the expression. More...
subroutine, public parser_module::find_start_value (input_string, eq_value, initial_guess, converged, result)
 Finds a value of the variable for a given y-value. More...


character(max_fname_len), private parser_module::parsing_string
 Current substring to parse. More...
character(max_fname_len), private parser_module::complete_string
 Complete input string. More...
integer, private parser_module::operator_count
integer, private parser_module::number_count
character(1), dimension(:), allocatable, private parser_module::operators
 Array containing the operations of the equation as a character (e.g., ["*","+"]) More...
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, private parser_module::numbers
 Array containing the numbers of the equation (e.g., [1, 2, 3]) More...
real(r_kind), private parser_module::variable_value
 Input variable, set by parse_string. More...
character(1), parameter, private parser_module::variable_name ='x'
 Name of the variable that is replaced by parse_string. More...

Detailed Description

Module parser_module, which enables parsing strings for analytic trajectory mode.

The error file code for this file is W36.

Definition in file parser_module.f90.