subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::init_tabulated_rates () |
| Initialize tabulated rates. More...
subroutine, private | tabulated_rate_module::write_reac_verbose_out () |
| Write the verbose output of the reaction rates. More...
subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::merge_tabulated_rates (rrate_array, rrate_length) |
| Merge tabulated rates into larger rate array. More...
subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::calculate_tab_rate (rrate, temp, rat_calc) |
| Calculates the tabulated rate. More...
subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::multiply_tab_rate_by_factor (rrate, factor) |
| Multiply a tabulated rate by a factor. More...
subroutine, private | tabulated_rate_module::readtabulatedtemps () |
| Reads tabulated reaction rate temperature grid. More...
subroutine, private | tabulated_rate_module::readtabulated (sourcefile, cntTab) |
| Reads tabulated reaction rates. More...
real(r_kind) function, private | tabulated_rate_module::tabulated_inter (rate, temp) |
| Interpolate tabulated rates from the table. More...
subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::tabulated_index (temp) |
| Set tab_index for a given temperature. More...
subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::read_binary_tabulated_reaction_data (path) |
| Read the tabulated rates from a unformatted binary file. More...
subroutine, public | tabulated_rate_module::output_binary_tabulated_reaction_data (path) |
| Save the theoretical tabulated rates to a unformatted binary file. More...
integer, private | tabulated_rate_module::ntab |
| number of tabulated rates (e.g. calculated with TALYS) More...
integer | tabulated_rate_module::nt_tab |
| number of temperature grid points, More...
logical, public | tabulated_rate_module::tabulated |
| switch for tabulated rates More...
integer, dimension(2), private | tabulated_rate_module::tab_index |
| Multi-index for the tabulated rates. More...
character(len= *), parameter, private | tabulated_rate_module::tabulated_binary_name ='tabulated_rates.windat' |
| Filename of binary file to save weak rates. More...
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, private | tabulated_rate_module::temp_grid_tab |
real(r_kind), dimension(30), private | tabulated_rate_module::temp_grid_tab_default = (/1.0d-4,5.0d-4,1.0d-3,5.0d-3,1.0d-2,5.0d-2,1.0d-1,1.5d-1,2.0d-1,2.5d-1, 3.0d-1,4.0d-1,5.0d-1,6.0d-1,7.0d-1,8.0d-1,9.0d-1,1.0d+0,1.5d+0,2.0d+0, 2.5d+0,3.0d+0,3.5d+0,4.0d+0,5.0d+0,6.0d+0,7.0d+0,8.0d+0,9.0d+0,1.0d+1 /) |
| default Temperature grid of tabulated reaction rates [GK] More...
type(reactionrate_type), dimension(:), allocatable, public | tabulated_rate_module::rrates_tabulated |
| array containing all tabulated reaction rates in rrate format More...
type(tabulated_rate_type), dimension(:), allocatable, private | tabulated_rate_module::tabulated_rate |
| array containing all tabulated reaction rates More...
The error file code for this file is W32.
Contains the module tabulated_rate_module
Definition in file tabulated_rate_module.f90.