nuclear_heating.f90 File Reference

Module nuclear_heating for self-consistent temperature updates. More...

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module  nuclear_heating
 Takes care of the temperature and entropy updates due to the nuclear energy release.


subroutine, public nuclear_heating::nuclear_heating_init (T9, rho, Ye, Y, entropy)
 Nuclear heating initialization routine. More...
subroutine, private nuclear_heating::start_heating (T9, rho, Ye, Y, entropy)
 Initialize the entrop and temperature for the heating. More...
subroutine nuclear_heating::reset_qdot (time)
 Reset the qdot variable. More...
subroutine nuclear_heating::calculate_qdot (rrate, Y, h)
subroutine nuclear_heating::output_debug_nufrac (rrate_array, length)
 Output the heating fractions to a debug file. More...
subroutine, public nuclear_heating::nuclear_heating_update (nr_count, rho, Ye, pf, Y_p, Y, entropy_p, entropy, T9_p, T9, T9_tr_p, T9_tr, timestep, T9conv)
 Modifies the temperature and entropy to account for nuclear heating. More...
subroutine, private nuclear_heating::nuclear_heating_energy (rho, Ye, pf, Y_p, Y, entropy_p, entropy, T9_p, T9, T9_tr_p, T9_tr, eos_status)
 Modifies the temperature to account for nuclear heating. More...
subroutine, private nuclear_heating::nuclear_heating_entropy (rho, Ye, pf, Y_p, Y, entropy_p, entropy, T9, eos_status)
 Modifies the temperature and ent_p to account for nuclear heating. More...
subroutine, public nuclear_heating::output_nuclear_heating (cnt, ctime)
 Output data related to nuclear heating. More...


real(r_kind), private nuclear_heating::engen_nuc
 Total energy, generated by nuclear reactions. More...
integer, private nuclear_heating::engen_unit
 Engen output file. More...
integer, private nuclear_heating::debug_temp
 Debug file for temperature integration. More...
integer, private nuclear_heating::debug_heatfrac
 Debug file for the heating fraction. More...
real(r_kind), save, public nuclear_heating::qdot_bet = 0
 Total energy radiated away by. More...
real(r_kind), save, public nuclear_heating::qdot_nu = 0
 Total energy added to the system by neutrino. More...
real(r_kind), save, public nuclear_heating::qdot_th = 0
 Total energy lost by thermal neutrinos. More...
real(r_kind), private nuclear_heating::debug_ffn_qd =0
 debug variable for the qdot caused by ffn rates More...
real(r_kind), private nuclear_heating::debug_nu_qd =0
 debug variable for the qdot caused by nu rates More...
real(r_kind), private nuclear_heating::debug_bet_qd =0
 debug variable for the qdot caused by beta decay rates More...

Detailed Description

Module nuclear_heating for self-consistent temperature updates.

The error file code for this file is W31.

Definition in file nuclear_heating.f90.