subroutine | timestep_module::timestep (ctime, temp, dens, entropy, Y, dYdt, Ye, delYe, h, evmode) |
| Network timestepping along the thermodynamic trajectory, specified by {ztime, ztemp, zdens}[zsteps]. More...
subroutine, private | timestep_module::restrict_timestep (ctime, h, temp, dens, ttemp, tdens) |
| Restricting the previously selected timestep. More...
real(r_kind) function, private | timestep_module::ye_timestep (h, Ye, delYe) |
| Estimate the timestep from the change of electron fraction. More...
real(r_kind) function, private | timestep_module::abchange_timestep (h, Y, dYdt) |
| Estimate the timestep from the abundances change. More...
real(r_kind) function, private | timestep_module::hydro_timestep (h1, ctime, temp, dens, entropy, ttemp, tdens, Ye) |
| Estimate the hydro timestep. More...
subroutine, public | timestep_module::select_optimistic_timestep (init) |
| Selects the timestep. More...
subroutine, private | timestep_module::update_hydro (time_i, temperature, density, radius, entropy, efraction, T_tr) |
| Returns temperature, density, and radius for a given time "time_i". More...
subroutine, public | timestep_module::advance_implicit_euler (cnt) |
| Advance system to the next step for the implicit Euler method. More...
subroutine, public | timestep_module::advance_gear (cnt) |
| Advance system to the next step using the Gear method (using gear_module) More...