subroutine, public | alpha_decay_rate_module::init_alpha_decay_rates () |
| Initialize alpha decay rates. More...
subroutine, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::create_verbose_output_file (alpha_decay_rates, nalpha) |
| Creates a file with the decays. More...
character(150) function, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::reaction_string (reac) |
| Return a string to represent a given reaction. More...
subroutine, public | alpha_decay_rate_module::merge_alpha_decays (rrate_array, rrate_length) |
| Merge alpha decays into the larger rate array. More...
subroutine, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::unify_rate_array (rrate_array, alpha_dec_rate_array, merged_array, nrrate, nalpha, ntot) |
| Merge reaclib rates and alpha decays into one array. More...
subroutine, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::count_reactions (n) |
| Count the amount of possible alpha decays. More...
subroutine, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::read_reactions (alpha_rate_array, n) |
| Read the alpha decays. More...
type(reactionrate_type), dimension(:), allocatable, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::alpha_dec_rate |
| Array storing the reaction rates. More...
integer, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::nalpha_dec |
| Number of alpha decays. More...
logical, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::include_alpha_decays |
| Flag whether alpha decays should be included or not. More...
character(len=4), dimension(:), allocatable, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::src_ignore |
integer, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::src_ignore_length |
character(15), parameter, private | alpha_decay_rate_module::fileformat ="(A5,3X,1pE11.5)" |
The error file code for this file is W46. Contains the module alpha_decay_rate_module.
Definition in file alpha_decay_rate_module.f90.