tw_rate_module.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  tw_rate_module::weakrate_type
 data fields for weak rates given in Langanke&Martinez-Pinedo 2001 More...


module  tw_rate_module
 This module contains everything for the theoretical weak rates that are added into the rate array.


subroutine, public tw_rate_module::init_theoretical_weak_rates ()
 Initialize theoretical weak rates. More...
subroutine tw_rate_module::initialize_cubic_interp
 Calculate derivatives of weak reactions. More...
subroutine, private tw_rate_module::write_reac_verbose_out ()
 Write the amount of individual reactions to the out. More...
subroutine tw_rate_module::merge_theoretical_weak_rates (rrate_array, rrate_length)
 Merge theoretical weak rates into larger rate array. More...
subroutine tw_rate_module::read_binary_weak_reaction_data (path)
 Read the theoretical weak rates from a unformatted binary file. More...
subroutine, public tw_rate_module::output_binary_weak_reaction_data (path)
 Save the theoretical weak rates to a unformatted binary file. More...
subroutine, public tw_rate_module::calculate_twr_rate (rrate, temp, rho, Ye, rat_calc, nuloss)
 Calculate the theoretical weak rate. More...
subroutine, private tw_rate_module::read_theoretical_weak_rates ()
 Reads and counts the amount of theoretical weak rates. More...
subroutine, private tw_rate_module::readweak_logft (sourcefile, cnt)
 Reads weak reaction rates in log format. More...
subroutine, public tw_rate_module::weak_index (ltemp, rho, Ye, wrt)
 Set wk_index for given T, \(\rho\) and \(Y_e\) The index is written into module variable wk_index. More...
real(r_kind) function, public tw_rate_module::weak_inter (rate, ltemp, lrho, wrt, force_cubic)
 Interpolation interface. More...
subroutine, public tw_rate_module::reload_exp_weak_rates ()
 This routine is used to replace theoretical weak rates with experimental ones it's called when T9 < parameter_class::temp_reload_exp_weak_rates (default 1d-2) More...
subroutine tw_rate_module::output_n_p
subroutine, private tw_rate_module::sort (cnt)
 Sorts the entries in weak_rate in increasing order of the decaying nuclide. More...


type(weakrate_type), dimension(:), allocatable, public tw_rate_module::weak_rate
 array containing the weak reactions More...
logical, public tw_rate_module::weak
 switch for weak rates More...
integer, private tw_rate_module::nweak
 number of weak reactions taken from Langanke&Martinez-pinedo More...
type(reactionrate_type), dimension(:), allocatable, private tw_rate_module::rrate_weak
 Reaction rate representative in global_class::rrate. More...
integer, dimension(2, 2), private tw_rate_module::wk_index
 Multi-index for the weak rates. More...
real(r_kind), public tw_rate_module::mue
 chemical potential of the electron More...
integer, parameter, private tw_rate_module::mue_ident =1
 Identifier for chemical potential. More...
integer, parameter, private tw_rate_module::beta_ident =2
 Identifier for beta rate. More...
integer, parameter, private tw_rate_module::ft_ident =3
 Identifier for forward rate. More...
integer, parameter, private tw_rate_module::nu_loss_ident =4
 Identifier for the neutrino loss. More...
integer, private tw_rate_module::n_ec
integer, private tw_rate_module::n_o
 individual reaction types More...
character(len= *), parameter, private tw_rate_module::weak_binary_name ='weak_rates.windat'
 Filename of binary file to save weak rates. More...

Detailed Description

The error file code for this file is W44.

Contains the module tw_rate_module.

Definition in file tw_rate_module.f90.