analysis.f90 File Reference

Module analysis with various analysis subroutines. More...

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module  analysis
 Contains various routines for analysis and diagnostic output.


subroutine, public analysis::analysis_init ()
 Open files, write headers, allocate space etc. More...
subroutine, public analysis::output_initial_step (ctime, T9, rho_b, entropy, Rkm, Y, pf)
 Output first step. More...
subroutine, public analysis::output_final_step (cnt, ctime, T9, rho_b, entropy, Rkm, Y, pf)
 Output final step. More...
subroutine, public analysis::output_iteration (cnt, ctime, T9, rho_b, entropy, Rkm, Y, pf)
 Periodic output of analysis data for current iteration. More...
subroutine, private analysis::output_track_nuclei (ctime, Y)
 Output the abundances of specific nuclei. More...
subroutine, private analysis::output_nu_loss (ctime, temp, rho, Rkm)
 Output the energy that enters and leaves the system. More...
subroutine, private analysis::output_mainout (cnt, ctime, T9, rho_b, entropy, Rkm, Y)
 Output Mainout file. More...
subroutine, private analysis::output_snapshot (ctime, T9, rho_b, Y)
 Output Snapshot files. More...
subroutine analysis::output_flow (ctime, T9, rho_b, Y)
 Output flow files. More...
subroutine, public analysis::output_nr_diagnostic (cnt, k, nr_c, ctime, T9, stepsize, mtot, Y_p, Y)
 Output of the Newton-Raphson loop diagnostics. More...
subroutine, public analysis::output_final_stats (cnt, ctime)
 Print final statistics. More...
subroutine, private analysis::printsnap (t, T9, rho_b, Y)
 Print current snapshot. More...
subroutine, private analysis::calc_nseparation_energy (Y)
 Calculates average neutron separation energy. More...
subroutine, private analysis::calc_nuclear_heating (hdf5_mode, write_engen, write_toplist)
 : Calculate the generated energy for each class of reactions separately. More...
subroutine, private analysis::calc_av_timescales (ctime, T9, Y, hdf5)
 Calculate average timescales of different classes of reactions. More...
subroutine, public analysis::finab (Y)
 Compute final abundances and write final output. More...
subroutine, private analysis::finab_sort (nsize, list)
 auxiliary sorting subroutine More...
subroutine, public analysis::analysis_finalize ()
 Close files at the end of the calculation. More...


real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable analysis::sn
 array of n-separation energies More...
 average n-separation energy More...
integer analysis::mainout_unit
 file descriptor for the main analysis output file More...
integer analysis::nrdiag_unit
 diagnostic output inside the Newton-Rhapson loop More...
integer analysis::track_unit
 file id for tracked nuclei More...
integer analysis::toplist_unit
 file id for top nuclear energy contributors More...
integer analysis::nu_loss_gain_unit
 file id for neutrino loss/gain More...
integer analysis::cl_start
integer analysis::cl_end
integer analysis::cl_rate
integer analysis::cl_cmax
 system clock variables More...
integer, private analysis::tsfile
 timescale file unit More...
integer, private analysis::nuc_heat_file
 nuclear heating file unit More...
 for snapshot printing triggers More...
integer analysis::snapcnt
 snapshot count More...
integer analysis::flowcnt
 flow printing counter More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable analysis::snapshot_time
 point in time for custom snapshot More...
integer analysis::snapshot_amount
 Amount of custom snapshots. More...
integer, parameter analysis::toplist_amount =10
 Amount of reactions in the toplist. More...

Detailed Description

Module analysis with various analysis subroutines.

The error file code for this file is W10.

Definition in file analysis.f90.