Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !> @file timestep.f90
2 !!
3 !! The error file code for this file is ***W43***.
4 !!
5 !! Contains the module \ref timestep_module
6 !!
7 !! @brief Timestepping subroutines: \ref timestep, \ref exp_timestep etc.
10 !>
11 !! @brief The timestep_module contains all timestep subroutines and newton-raphsons
12 !! to solve the ODE system.
13 !!
14 !! This module contains several different treatments for the timestep and for
15 !! solving the ODE with different solvers (so far implicit euler and gear).
16 !! The gear solver develops its own timestep in \ref gear_module. It is only
17 !! affected by the subroutine \ref restrict_timestep.
18 !!
19 #include "macros.h"
23  implicit none
25  !
26  ! Public and private fields and methods of the module.
27  !
28  public:: &
30  private:: &
34 contains
36 !>
37 !! @brief Network timestepping along the thermodynamic trajectory,
38 !! specified by {ztime, ztemp, zdens}[zsteps]
39 !!
40 !! This subroutine calls more specific subroutines to calculate the
41 !! timestep. This also depends on the conditions. For example, in NSE it
42 !! call \ref ye_timestep, while it calls \ref abchange_timestep otherwise.
43 !!
44 !! @note Gear solver will only be affected by the last call of this subroutine
45 !! of \ref restrict_timestep
46 !!
47 !! \b Edited:
48 !! - OK: 13.01.14
49 !! - OK: 7.11.16
50 !! - OK: 27.08.17 - merged in the rest of timestepping subroutines
51 !! - MR: 27.06.18 - introduced additional subroutine "restrict_timestep"
52 !! .
53 subroutine timestep (ctime,temp,dens,entropy,Y,dYdt,Ye,delYe,h,evmode)
54  use global_class, only: net_size
56  use gear_module, only: get_timestep
57  implicit none
59  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: ctime !< current time
60  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: temp !< temperature [GK]
61  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: dens !< density [g/cm^3]
62  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: entropy !< [kB/baryon]
63  real(r_kind),dimension(net_size),intent(in):: Y !< abundances
64  real(r_kind),dimension(net_size),intent(in):: dYdt !< change of abundances
65  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: Ye !< electron fraction
66  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: delYe !< change of elec.fraction (Ye-Ye_p)
67  real(r_kind), intent(inout) :: h !< resulting timestep
68  integer, intent(in) :: evmode!< zone evolution mode
69  !
70  real(r_kind) :: h_old
71  real(r_kind) :: rad
72  real(r_kind) :: tdens =1e24 ! interpolated density: initialize to huge value
73  real(r_kind) :: ttemp =1e24 ! interpolated temperature: the same
75  info_entry("timestep")
77  !-- save old timestep
78  h_old = h
80  ! MR: even without the if statement, the gear solver does not care
81  ! about the timestep, so I implemented it here
82  if (solver .ne. 1) then
83  !-- attempt to increase the timestep
84  h = h*timestep_max
86  if (evmode.eq.em_nse) then
87  !-- timescale of Ye changes
88  h= min(h, ye_timestep(h, ye, delye))
89  if (h .ne. h) call raise_exception("Timestep got NaN after ye_timestep.",&
90  "timestep",430003)
92  else
93  !-- timescale of abundance change (h_abchange)
94  h= min(h, abchange_timestep(h,y,dydt))
95  if (h .ne. h) call raise_exception("Timestep got NaN after abchange_timestep.",&
96  "timestep",430004)
97  endif
99  !-- hydrodynamic timescale (h_hydro)
100  !-- Only do this in case temperature is not at lower boundary
101  if (temp .gt. freeze_rate_temp*1.000001) then
102  h= min(h, hydro_timestep(h,ctime,temp,dens,entropy,ttemp,tdens,ye))
103  if (h .ne. h) call raise_exception("Timestep got NaN after hydro_timestep.",&
104  "timestep",430005)
105  end if
106  elseif (solver .eq. 1) then
107  ! Also gear should be regulated by the restriction
108  h = get_timestep()
109  ! Get hydro quantities
110  call update_hydro(ctime+h, ttemp, tdens, rad, entropy, ye)
111  end if
114  ! Restrict the timestep to match specific values
115  call restrict_timestep(ctime,h,temp,dens,ttemp,tdens)
116  if (h .ne. h) call raise_exception("Timestep got NaN after restrict_timestep.",&
117  "timestep",430006)
119  info_exit("timestep")
121 end subroutine timestep
125 !>
126 !! @brief Restricting the previously selected timestep
127 !!
128 !! Possible restrictions are given by the termination criterion and
129 !! the trajectory datapoints as well as custom selected snapshots.
130 !! Furthermore, it is restricted to hit the NSE transition temperature
131 !! (\ref parameter_class::nsetemp_cold).
132 !!
133 !! @note The timestep of the gear solver, which is evolved independently in
134 !! \ref gear_module is also effected by this subroutine.
135 !!
136 !! \b Edited:
137 !! - MR: 27.06.18
138 !! - MR: 22.12.20 - Removed "const" parameter
139 !! .
140 subroutine restrict_timestep(ctime,h,temp,dens,ttemp,tdens)
141  use parameter_class, only: &
150  use global_class, only: heating_switch
152  use parser_module
153  implicit none
154  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: ctime !< current time
155  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: temp !< temperature [GK]
156  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: dens !< density [g/cm^3]
157  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: ttemp !< temperature [GK] of the next step
158  real(r_kind), intent(in) :: tdens !< density [g/cm^3] of the next step
159  real(r_kind), intent(inout) :: h !< resulting timestep
160  real(r_kind) :: h_in !< ingoing timestep
161  real(r_kind) :: tnext !< Next time of the trajectory
162  real(r_kind) :: temp_tmp !< Temperature on hypothetical timestep
163  real(r_kind) :: dens_tmp !< Density on hypothetical timestep
164  integer :: i !< Loop variable
165  logical :: converged !< Convergence indicator for analytic mode
167  ! Store the ingoing timestep for later comparison
168  h_in = h
170  !-- cut by termination criterion
171  select case (termination_criterion)
172  case (0) ! by the end of trajectory file (regardless of timestep_traj_limit)
173  if (ctime+h.gt.ztime(zsteps)) h = ztime(zsteps) - ctime
174  case (1) ! by final_time
175  if (ctime+h.gt.final_time) h = final_time - ctime
176  case (2) ! by final_temp
177  if (ttemp .lt. final_temp*0.999d0) then
178  if ((trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. 'from_file')) then
179  ! Try to interpolate if still within the trajectory
180  if ((ctime.lt.ztime(zsteps)) .and. (.not. (heating_switch))) then
181  ! Interpolate the NSE temperature
182  tnext = ctime+h
183  call inverse_interp1d(zsteps,ztemp,final_temp*0.999d0,ztime,tnext)
184  ! Check that it worked, sometimes for very flat trajectories it has
185  ! rounding errors
186  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,tnext,ztemp,temp_tmp)
187  if (temp_tmp .lt. final_temp) h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15) ! it worked
188  if (temp_tmp .ge. final_temp) h = min(1.1*max(tnext-ctime,1e-15),h) ! make the timestep larger
189  else
190  ! otherwise, basic interpolation
191  h = h * (temp-final_temp)/(temp-ttemp)
192  end if
193  elseif ((trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. 'analytic')) then
194  ! Find the time of T=final_temp
195  call find_start_value(t9_analytic,final_temp*0.999d0,ctime+h,converged,tnext)
196  if (converged .and. (tnext .gt. ctime)) h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15)
197  end if
198  end if
199  case (3) ! by final_dens
200  if (tdens.le.final_dens*0.999d0) then
201  if ((trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. 'from_file')) then
202  ! Try to interpolate if still within the trajectory
203  if ((ctime.lt.ztime(zsteps))) then
204  ! Interpolate the NSE temperature
205  tnext = ctime+h
206  call inverse_interp1d(zsteps,zdens,final_dens*0.999d0,ztime,tnext)
207  ! Check that it worked, sometimes for very flat trajectories it has
208  ! rounding errors
209  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,tnext,zdens,temp_tmp)
210  if (temp_tmp .lt. final_dens) h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15) ! it worked
211  if (temp_tmp .ge. final_dens) h = min(1.1*max(tnext-ctime,1e-15),h) ! make the timestep larger
212  else
213  ! otherwise, basic interpolation
214  h = h * (dens-final_dens)/(dens-tdens)
215  end if
216  elseif ((trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. 'analytic')) then
217  ! Find the time of rho=final_dens
218  call find_start_value(rho_analytic,final_dens*0.999d0,ctime+h,converged,tnext)
219  if (converged .and. (tnext .gt. ctime)) h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15)
220  end if
221  end if
222  endselect
225  !-- Prevent NSE overshooting
226  if ((evolution_mode .eq. em_nse) .and. (ttemp .lt. nsetemp_cold)) then
227  if (trajectory_mode .eq. "from_file") then
228  ! No heating
229  if ((.not. (heating_switch)) .and. (.not. (ctime+h .gt.ztime(zsteps)))) then
230  if (ttemp .lt. nsetemp_cold*(1d0-1d-9)) then
231  ! Interpolate the NSE temperature
232  tnext = ctime+h
233  call inverse_interp1d(zsteps,ztemp,nsetemp_cold*(1d0-1d-9),ztime,tnext)
234  ! Check that it worked, sometimes for very flat trajectories it has
235  ! rounding errors
236  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,tnext,ztemp,temp_tmp)
237  if (temp_tmp .lt. nsetemp_cold) h = min(max(tnext-ctime,1e-15),h) ! it worked
238  if (temp_tmp .ge. nsetemp_cold) h = min(1.1*max(tnext-ctime,1e-15),h) ! make the timestep larger
239  end if
240  end if
241  else if (trajectory_mode .eq. "analytic") then
242  ! No heating
243  if (.not. (heating_switch)) then
244  if (ttemp .lt. nsetemp_cold*(1d0-1d-9)) then
245  ! Find the time of T=T_nsecold
246  call find_start_value(t9_analytic,nsetemp_cold*(1d0-1d-9),ctime+h,converged,tnext)
247  if (converged .and. (tnext .gt. ctime)) h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15)
248  end if
249  end if
250  end if
251  end if
254  !-- Prevent density overshooting for heating switch
255  if ((heating_mode .gt. 0) .and. (.not. heating_switch) .and. (tdens .lt. heating_density)) then
256  if (trajectory_mode .eq. "from_file") then
257  if (tdens .lt. heating_density*(1d0-1d-8)) then
258  ! Interpolate the NSE temperature
259  tnext = ctime+h
260  call inverse_interp1d(zsteps,zdens,heating_density*(1d0-1d-8),ztime,tnext)
261  ! Check that it worked, sometimes for very flat trajectories it has
262  ! rounding errors
263  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,tnext,zdens,dens_tmp)
264  if (dens_tmp .lt. heating_density) h = min(max(tnext-ctime,1e-15),h) ! it worked
265  if (dens_tmp .ge. heating_density) h = min(1.1*max(tnext-ctime,1e-15),h) ! make the timestep larger
266  end if
267  else if (trajectory_mode .eq. "analytic") then
268  if (tdens .lt. heating_density*(1d0-1d-8)) then
269  ! Find the time of T=T_nsecold
270  call find_start_value(rho_analytic,heating_density*(1d0-1d-8),ctime+h,converged,tnext)
271  if (converged .and. (tnext .gt. ctime)) h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15)
272  end if
273  end if
274  end if
276  !-- if timestep is limited by trajectory steps, cut to the next grid point
277  if (timestep_traj_limit .and. &
278  & (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. 'from_file')) then
279  if (ctime.lt.ztime(zsteps)) then
280  find_next_time: do i=1,zsteps-1
281  if (ztime(i).gt.ctime) exit find_next_time
282  enddo find_next_time
283  tnext= ztime(i)
284  if ((ctime.lt.tnext).and.(ctime+h.gt.tnext)) then
285  ! To ensure that the timestep is not to small
286  h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15)
287  end if
288  endif
289  endif
291  !-- Jump at least at the last trajectory point
292  if ((trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. 'from_file')) then
293  if ((ctime.lt.ztime(zsteps)) .and. (ctime+h .gt.ztime(zsteps))) then
294  ! To ensure that the timestep is not to small
295  h = max(ztime(zsteps)-ctime,1e-15)
296  endif
297  endif
299  !-- Restrict timestep to match custom snapshots
300  if ((custom_snapshots) .or. (h_custom_snapshots)) then
301  ! Find the next time, should be cheap for short arrays
302  next_time: do i=1,snapshot_amount
303  if (snapshot_time(i) .gt. ctime) exit next_time
304  enddo next_time
305  ! Be careful with the array bounds
306  if (i .gt. snapshot_amount) i = snapshot_amount
307  ! Restrict the timestep if necessary
308  tnext=snapshot_time(i)
309  if ((ctime.lt.tnext).and.(ctime+h.gt.tnext)) then
310  ! To ensure that the timestep is not to small
311  h = max(tnext-ctime,1e-15)
312  end if
313  end if
315  !-- Restrict timestep to switch off neutrinos
316  if (nuflag .ge. 1) then
317  if ((ctime .lt.nu_max_time) .and. (ctime+h .gt. nu_max_time)) then
318  h = max(nu_max_time-ctime,1e-15)
319  end if
320  end if
323  ! Also gear should be regulated by the restriction so change the timestep
324  if ((solver == 1) .and. (h_in .ne. h)) then
325  call set_timestep(h)
326  end if
327 end subroutine restrict_timestep
331 !>
332 !! @brief Estimate the timestep from the change of electron fraction
333 !!
334 !! In NSE, only (slow) weak reactions are taken into account when calculating the
335 !! timestep. Therefore, only the change in \f$ y_e \f$ is considered here and
336 !! the timestep is usually larger than in the full network mode.
337 !! The timestep is calculated by:
338 !! \f[ h = h_\mathrm{old} \cdot \eta \frac{y_e}{|\Delta y_e|} \f]
339 !! with \f$ \eta \f$ being the parameter \ref parameter_class::timestep_factor.
340 !!
341 !! \b Created: OK 28.08.2017
342 !!
343 function ye_timestep(h,Ye,delYe)
345 implicit none
346 real(r_kind):: ye_timestep
347 real(r_kind),intent(in):: ye !< electron fraction
348 real(r_kind),intent(in):: delye !< change of the electron fraction
349 real(r_kind),intent(in):: h !< timescale on which this change happens
350 !
351  if (abs(delye) .gt. 1d-15) then
352  ye_timestep = h * timestep_factor * ye/abs(delye)
353  else
354  ye_timestep = h
355  end if
357 end function ye_timestep
360 !>
361 !! @brief Estimate the timestep from the abundances change
362 !!
363 !! In the network evolution mode, the timestep is calculated based on the
364 !! most changing isotope. The timestep is the maximum of :
365 !! \f[ h = \eta \cdot \left|\frac{Y}{\Delta Y} \right| \f]
366 !! for all nuclei above a certain threshold abundance
367 !! \ref parameter_class::timestep_Ymin. The factor \f$ \eta \f$ is determined
368 !! by the parameter \ref parameter_class::timestep_factor.
369 !!
370 !! \b Created: OK 28.08.2017
371 !!
372 function abchange_timestep(h,Y,dYdt)
374 use global_class, only: net_size
375 implicit none
377 real(r_kind),dimension(net_size),intent(in):: y !< abundances
378 real(r_kind),dimension(net_size),intent(in):: dydt !< change of abundances
379 real(r_kind),intent(in):: h !< timescale on which this change happens
380 !
381 integer:: i
382 real(r_kind):: h1
384  h1= h
385  do i = 1, net_size
386  if (y(i) .le. timestep_ymin) cycle
387  if (dydt(i) .eq. 0.d0) cycle
388  if (dabs(dydt(i)*h1) .gt. dabs(y(i))*timestep_factor) then
389  h1= timestep_factor * dabs(y(i)/dydt(i))
390  endif
391  end do
394 end function abchange_timestep
397 !>
398 !! @brief Estimate the hydro timestep
399 !!
400 !! The timestep is restricted by the change of the hydrodynamic conditions
401 !! (i.e., temperature and density). The maximum change of them is determined
402 !! by the parameter \ref parameter_class::timestep_hydro_factor.
403 !! If the temperature or density change to rapidly the timestep will be decreased
404 !! and ultimately, if the timestep is lower than \f$ 10^{-24}s \f$ an exception
405 !! will be raised and the code terminates. The subroutine is also responsible
406 !! to update the next temperature (ttemp) and density (tdens) that are used
407 !! in \ref restrict_timestep.
408 !!
409 !! @note This subroutine restricts only the timestep for the implicit euler solver,
410 !! not for the gear solver.
411 !!
412 !! \b Created: OK 28.08.2017
413 !!
414 function hydro_timestep(h1,ctime,temp,dens,entropy,ttemp,tdens,Ye)
415 use parameter_class, only: heating_mode
417 use gear_module, only: get_timestep
418 use global_class, only: heating_switch
419 use expansion_module,only: rad
420 implicit none
421 real(r_kind):: hydro_timestep
422 real(r_kind),intent(in):: h1 !< timescale on which this change happens
423 real(r_kind),intent(in):: ctime !< current time
424 real(r_kind),intent(in):: temp !< temperature at ctime
425 real(r_kind),intent(in):: dens !< density at ctime
426 real(r_kind),intent(in):: entropy !< [kB/baryon]
427 real(r_kind),intent(inout):: ttemp !< computed temperature at ctime + h
428 real(r_kind),intent(inout):: tdens !< computed density at ctime + h
429 real(r_kind),intent(in):: ye !< electron fraction
430 !
431 real(r_kind) :: ttime,h
432 character(200) :: e_message2 !< Error message
435 h= h1
436 hydro_loop: do
437  if (h .ne. h) call raise_exception("Timestep got NaN.","hydro_timestep",430007)
439  ! Suggested next time
440  ttime = ctime + h
441  ! Initialize old values
442  ttemp = temp
443  tdens = dens
444  ! Get temperature and density in the next step
445  call update_hydro(ttime, ttemp, tdens, rad, entropy, ye)
447  ! check density (and temperature if no heating) increment
448  ! is small enough
449  if (heating_switch) then
450  if (dabs(tdens-dens)/dens.lt.timestep_hydro_factor) exit hydro_loop
451  h = h * timestep_hydro_factor * dens / abs(tdens-dens) &
452  * .999 ! black magic
453  else
454  if ((dabs(tdens-dens)/dens.lt.timestep_hydro_factor) .and. &
455  (dabs(ttemp-temp)/temp.lt.timestep_hydro_factor)) exit hydro_loop
456  h = h * timestep_hydro_factor &
457  / max(abs(tdens-dens)/dens,abs(ttemp-temp)/temp) &
458  * .999 ! black magic
459  endif
461  ! if timestep too small, complain and exit
462  if (h.lt.1e-24) then
463  ! Prepare a meaningful message
464  ! Say something about the time where it occured
465  e_message2 = 'time: t ='//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(ctime)))//', h ='//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(h)))//new_line('A')
466  e_message2 = trim(adjustl(e_message2))//'dens: d(t)='//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(dens)))//', d(t+h)='//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(tdens)))//new_line('A')
467  e_message2 = trim(adjustl(e_message2))//'temp: d(t)='//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(temp)))//', d(t+h)='//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(ttemp)))//new_line('A')
469  ! Raise the exception
470  call raise_exception(&
471  "Timestep too small (<1e-24). This happened because the hydrodynamic"//new_line('A')//&
472  'conditions were changing to fast. Check the hydrodynamic conditions'//new_line('A')//&
473  'or choose the "timestep_hydro_factor" parameter larger ('//trim(adjustl(num_to_str(timestep_hydro_factor)))//').'//&
474  new_line('A')//&
475  trim(adjustl(e_message2))&
476  ,'hydro_timestep',430008)
477  endif
478 enddo hydro_loop
483 end function hydro_timestep
486 !>
487 !! Selects the timestep
488 !!
489 !! This subroutine is the main interface to the \ref driver.f90 .
490 !! It calls \ref timestep and initializes the timestep in case
491 !! of the first call.
492 !!
493 !! \b Edited:
494 !! - 17.12.2016
495 !! .
500 use nucstuff_class, only: el_ab
501 use jacobian_class, only: abchange
502 use gear_module, only: init_dydt
503 implicit none
504 logical, intent(inout):: init
506  if (init) then
508  ! calculate dYdt from reaction rates, needed for timestep
509  call el_ab (y, ye)
510  call abchange (time, t9, rhob, ye, rkm, y, dydt, evolution_mode)
512  if(solver==1) call init_dydt(dydt)
514  ! adjust the stepsize
516  endif
518  call el_ab (y, ye)
519  call timestep (time,t9,rhob,ent,y,dydt,ye,ye-ye_p,stepsize,evolution_mode)
520  init = .false.
522 end subroutine select_optimistic_timestep
526 !>
527 !! @brief Returns temperature, density, and radius for a given time "time_i".
528 !!
529 !! The time, entropy, and electron fraction are only inputs and are not changed.
530 !! The update depends on the trajectory mode of the run and can be either
531 !! interpolated from a trajectory, got from the expansion, or from an analytic
532 !! expression.
533 !!
534 !! \b Edited:
535 !! - MR: 15.01.2020 - Moved it from advance_implicit_euler/gear to this new subroutine
536 !! - MR: 10.02.2023 - Gave an optional output for the temperature
537 !! .
538 subroutine update_hydro(time_i, temperature, density, radius, entropy, efraction, T_tr)
539  use single_zone_vars, only: y, t9_p, time_p
543  use inter_module, only: interp1d
545  use expansion_module, only: expansion,vel
547  use parser_module, only: parse_string
548  implicit none
549  real(r_kind),intent(in) :: time_i !< Time [s]
550  real(r_kind),intent(in) :: entropy !< Entropy [kB/nuc]
551  real(r_kind),intent(in) :: efraction !< Electron fraction
552  real(r_kind),intent(inout) :: temperature !< temperature at time_i
553  real(r_kind),intent(inout) :: density !< density at time_i
554  real(r_kind),intent(inout) :: radius !< radius at time_i
555  real(r_kind),intent(out),optional :: t_tr !< temperature at time_i, ignoring heating
556  real(r_kind) :: ysum, yasum
557  real(r_kind) :: htmp !< Temporary stepsize
560  ! Calculate necessary sums for expansion
561  ysum = sum(y(1:net_size))
562  yasum = sum(y(1:net_size)*isotope(1:net_size)%mass)
563  ! yzsum = sum(Y(1:net_size)*isotope(1:net_size)%p_nr)
565  ! interpolate temperature, density and radius
566  if (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. "analytic") then
567  if (.not. (heating_switch)) then
568  ! Update temperature from analytic expression
569  temperature = parse_string(t9_analytic,time_i)
570  else
571  temperature = t9_p
572  if (present(t_tr)) then
573  t_tr = parse_string(t9_analytic,time_i)
574  end if
575  end if
576  ! Update density and radius from analytic expression
577  density = parse_string(rho_analytic,time_i)
578  radius = parse_string(rkm_analytic,time_i)
579  ! Avoid underflows/overflows
580  if (temperature .le. freeze_rate_temp) temperature = freeze_rate_temp
581  if (density .le. 1d-99) density = 1d-99
582  if (radius .ge. 1d99) radius = 1d99
584  else if (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. "from_file") then
585  if (time_i.gt.ztime(zsteps)) then
586  htmp = time_i - time_p
587  call expansion(time_p,htmp,efraction,density,radius,temperature,entropy,vel,yasum/ysum)
588  if (present(t_tr)) then
589  t_tr = temperature
590  end if
591  if (heating_switch) then
592  temperature = t9_p
593  end if
594  else
595  if (.not. (heating_switch)) then
596  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,time_i,ztemp,temperature)
597  else
598  if (present(t_tr)) then
599  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,time_i,ztemp,temperature)
600  t_tr = temperature
601  end if
602  temperature = t9_p
603  end if
605  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,time_i,zdens,density)
606  call interp1d (zsteps,ztime,time_i,zrad,radius,itype=itype_linear)
607  end if
608  end if
610  ! Generally only allow temperatures above 1e-6 GK
611  temperature = max(temperature,freeze_rate_temp)
613 end subroutine update_hydro
616 !>
617 !! Advance system to the next step for the implicit Euler method
618 !!
619 !! This subroutine solves one timestep for the implicit Euler method
620 !! via a newton-raphson (NR) scheme. The maximum amount of iterations for
621 !! the NR is controlled by the parameter \ref parameter_class::nr_maxcount.
622 !! The NR is successful if the mass conservation deviates less than
623 !! parameter_class::nr_tol. If the maximum iterations have been reached without
624 !! convergence, it repeats the calculation with half of the timestep.
625 !! This is done parameter_class::adapt_stepsize_maxcount many times. If after
626 !! this amount of iterations still no convergence could be achieved it will
627 !! raise an error.
628 !!
629 !! @see [Winteler 2013](https://edoc.unibas.ch/29895/)
630 !!
631 !! \b Edited:
632 !! - OK: 15.06.2017 - Made into a separate subroutine
633 !! - MR: 06.07.2022 - Let it crash if the result does not converge properly
634 !! .
635 subroutine advance_implicit_euler(cnt)
640 use global_class, only: net_size, isotope,ipro,ineu,&
642 use hydro_trajectory,only: zsteps,ztime
644 use winnse_module, only: pf,winnse_guess
645 use nucstuff_class, only: el_ab,masscalc
646 use jacobian_class, only: jacobi_init
647 use pardiso_class, only: netsolve
650 use error_msg_class, only: num_to_str
652 implicit none
653 integer, intent(in) :: cnt !< global iteration counter
654 !
655 integer :: k !< Current iteration of adapt stepsize
656 integer :: nr_count !< Current iteration of the newton-raphson
657 real(r_kind) :: m_tot !< Mass conservation
658 type(timmes_eos_state) :: state !< State variable for Helmholtz EOS
659 integer :: eos_status !< Status of the eos, 0=working, 0!=failing
660 logical :: exit_condition!< Helper variable that keeps track of the exit condition of the NR
661 real(r_kind) :: t9_conv !< Convergence of the temperature
662  ! Check the mass conservation and kill the calculation if something goes odd.
663  ! Mass conservation should not be within 0.001% to nr_tol
664  ! simulataneously with a small timestep.
665  ! Note: Other networks such as SkyNet rescale the abundances at this point.
666  call masscalc(y_p, m_tot)
667  if ((1.00001*dabs(m_tot-1d0) .ge. nr_tol) .and. (stepsize .le. 1e-15)) then
668  call raise_exception("The result did not converge properly. "//new_line("A")//&
669  "Mass conservation was "//num_to_str(dabs(m_tot-1d0))//"."//new_line("A")//&
670  "Stepsize was "//num_to_str(stepsize)//"s."//new_line("A")//&
671  "This error could be a result of inconsistent reaction rates, "//new_line("A")//&
672  "if this is not the case,"//&
673  "try to use different values of nr_tol, nr_maxcount, or timestep_factor.",&
674  'advance_implicit_euler',430011)
675  end if
677  adapt_stepsize: do k=0,adapt_stepsize_maxcount
679  ! compute some handy reductions and auxiliary variables
680  y = y_p
681  rkm = rkm_p
682  time = time_p + stepsize
683  ent = ent_p
684  t9 = t9_p
686  call el_ab (y, ye)
687  ! Get temperature, density, and radius
688  call update_hydro(time, t9, rhob, rkm, ent, ye, t9h)
690  !-- Newton-Rhapson iterative solve ---------
691  newton_raphson: do nr_count=1,nr_maxcount
692  exit_condition = .true.
694  ! calculate jacobian and rhs of system of DE (f())
697  ! solve the linearized system
698  call netsolve(f, y)
700  ! thermodynamics update
701  call el_ab(y, ye)
703  ! Check if thinks are reasonable or
704  ! went terribly wrong
705  if ((ye .lt. 0) .or. ( ye .gt. 1)) then
706  if (verbose_level .gt. 1) then
707  write(*,*) "Ye went wrong, obtained Ye = "//num_to_str(ye)
708  end if
709  exit_condition = .false.
710  exit newton_raphson
711  end if
713  if (heating_switch) then
714  ! Update NSE if heating is turned on
715  if (evolution_mode .eq. em_nse) then
716  call winnse_guess( t9, rhob, ye, y(ineu), y(ipro), y)
717  end if
718  ! update entropy from nuclear heating, then update temperature
720  end if
722  ! mass conservation check
723  call masscalc(y, m_tot)
725  ! periodic output
726  call output_nr_diagnostic(cnt,k,nr_count,time,t9,stepsize,m_tot,y_p,y)
728  ! exit if mass is conserved sufficiently well
729  ! if (((nr_count.ge.nr_mincount) .and. (dabs(m_tot-1d0).lt.nr_tol)) ) &
730  if (((.not. heating_switch) .and. (nr_count.ge.nr_mincount) .and. (dabs(m_tot-1d0).lt.nr_tol)) &
731  .or. &
732  ((heating_switch) .and. (nr_count.ge.nr_mincount) .and. (dabs(m_tot-1d0).lt.nr_tol) .and. &
733  ((t9_conv .lt. heating_t9_tol))) .or. &
734  ((heating_switch) .and. (nr_count.ge.nr_mincount) .and. (dabs(m_tot-1d0).lt.nr_tol) .and. &
735  k .eq. adapt_stepsize_maxcount)) &
736  exit newton_raphson
739  end do newton_raphson
742  ! See if one has to repeat the timestep
743  exit_condition = exit_condition .and. (nr_count.le.nr_maxcount)
744  if (heating_switch) then
745  ! Dont be too strict in the last adapt stepsize iteration
746  if (k .ne. adapt_stepsize_maxcount) then
747  exit_condition = exit_condition .and. (max(t9,t9_p)/min(t9,t9_p)-1 .lt. timestep_hydro_factor)
748  end if
749  end if
750  if (exit_condition) exit adapt_stepsize
752  ! Check if the maxcount is reached and try one last time
753  ! to get it to convergence
754  if (k .eq. adapt_stepsize_maxcount) then
756  else
757  stepsize = 0.5*stepsize
758  end if
759  end do adapt_stepsize
761  ! Update entropy
762  if (.not. (heating_switch)) then
763  if (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. "from_file") then
764  if (time.le.ztime(zsteps) .and. (t9 .gt. freeze_rate_temp*1.0000001)) then
765  ! update entropy using the temperature
766  state%abar = sum(y(1:net_size)*isotope(1:net_size)%mass) &
767  / sum(y(1:net_size))
768  call timmes_eos(ink,t9*1.d9,rhob,ye,state,eos_status)
769  if(eos_status.ne.0) call raise_exception("An error occured in the EOS.",&
770  'advance_implicit_euler',430009)
771  ent = state%s
772  else
773  ! adiabatic expansion
774  ent = ent_p
775  end if
776  else if (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. "analytic") then
777  if (t9 .gt. freeze_rate_temp*1.0000001) then
778  ! update entropy using the temperature
779  state%abar = sum(y(1:net_size)*isotope(1:net_size)%mass) &
780  / sum(y(1:net_size))
781  call timmes_eos(ink,t9*1.d9,rhob,ye,state,eos_status)
782  if(eos_status.ne.0) call raise_exception("An error occured in the EOS.",&
783  'advance_implicit_euler',430009)
784  ent = state%s
785  end if
786  end if
787  end if
790  ! if still not converged, complain and exit
791  if (k.gt.adapt_stepsize_maxcount) then
792  call raise_exception("Max. number of steps reached. Probably try to change "//new_line('A')//&
793  'the "adapt_stepsize_maxcount", "nr_maxcount", or "nr_tol" parameter.',&
794  'advance_implicit_euler',430010)
795  end if
797  ! Update NSE abundances, only in NSE evolution mode
798  if (evolution_mode .eq. em_nse) then
799  ! Update at all?
800  if (nse_calc_every .ne. 0) then
801  ! Update every nse_calc_step
802  if (modulo(cnt,nse_calc_every) .eq. 0) then
803  call winnse_guess( t9, rhob, ye, y(ineu), y(ipro), y)
804  end if
805  end if
806  end if
808 end subroutine advance_implicit_euler
811 !>
812 !! Advance system to the next step using the Gear method
813 !! (using \ref gear_module)
814 !!
815 !! This subroutine is similar to \ref advance_implicit_euler. However, no
816 !! additional check for convergence is done after the newton-raphson. This is
817 !! not necessary as the Gear solver has its estimate of a possible error
818 !! in the next step, given by evolving higher orders and comparing to lower ones.
819 !!
820 !! @see \ref gear_module, [Martin, D. 2017](https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/6301/)
821 !!
822 !! \b Edited:
823 !! - DM 15.06.2017
824 !! - OK 27.08.2017
825 !! - MR 22.12.2020
826 !! .
827 subroutine advance_gear(cnt)
835 use hydro_trajectory,only: zsteps,ztime
837 use winnse_module, only: pf,winnse_guess
838 use nucstuff_class, only: el_ab,masscalc
839 use jacobian_class, only: jacobi_init
840 use pardiso_class, only: netsolve
844 use gear_module, only: get_time, get_timestep, get_l1, &
849 implicit none
850 integer, intent(in) :: cnt !< global iteration counter
851 !
852 integer :: k !< Dummy for nr_diagnostic
853 real(r_kind) :: m_tot !< Mass conservation
854 !
855 real(r_kind),dimension(net_size) :: predictor
856 real(r_kind),dimension(net_size) :: delta
857 real(r_kind),dimension(net_size) :: ydiff
858 real(r_kind),dimension(net_size) :: olol
860 type(timmes_eos_state) :: state
861 integer :: eos_status
862 logical :: exit_condition!< Helper variable that keeps
863  ! track of the exit condition of the NR
864 real(r_kind) :: t9_conv !< Convergence of the temperature
866  adapt_stepsize: do k=0,adapt_stepsize_maxcount
867  ! compute some handy reductions and auxiliary variables
870  olol = get_solution()
871  y = y_p
872  rkm = rkm_p
873  time = time_p + stepsize
874  ent = ent_p
876  call el_ab (y, ye)
878  ! Get temperature, density, and radius
879  call update_hydro(time, t9, rhob, rkm, ent, ye, t9h)
881  ! shift tau list and insert h, set time
882  call shift_tau
883  time = get_time()
885  ! predictor
886  call nordsieck_product
888  ! calculate xi vector
889  call set_xi
891  ! calculate l vector
892  call set_l
894  predictor = get_predictor_y()
895  y = predictor
897  !-- Newton-Rhapson iterative solve ---------
898  newton_raphson: do gear_nr_count=1,gear_nr_maxcount
899  ! Set a variable that takes track of problems
900  exit_condition = .true.
902  ! calculate jacobian and rhs of system of DE (f())
905  ! solve the system
906  call netsolve(f, delta)
908  ! add correction to the abundance array
909  y= y + delta
911  ! thermodynamics update
912  call el_ab(y, ye)
914  ! Check if thinks are reasonable or
915  ! went terribly wrong
916  if (ye .lt. 0 .or. ye .gt. 1) then
917  exit_condition = .false.
918  exit newton_raphson
919  end if
922  if (heating_switch) then
923  ! Update NSE if heating is turned on
924  if (evolution_mode .eq. em_nse) then
925  call winnse_guess( t9, rhob, ye, y(ineu), y(ipro), y)
926  end if
928  end if
930  ! mass conservation check
931  call masscalc(y, m_tot)
933  ! periodic output
936  ! exit if mass is conserved sufficiently well
937  ! Also check the temperature for the heating case
938  if (((.not. heating_switch) .and. maxval(dabs(delta)/max(y,gear_escale)).lt.gear_nr_eps .and. &
939  dabs(m_tot-1.0d0).lt.gear_nr_eps .and. gear_nr_count .ge. gear_nr_mincount) .or. &
940  (heating_switch .and. maxval(dabs(delta)/max(y,gear_escale)).lt.gear_nr_eps .and. &
941  dabs(m_tot-1.0d0).lt.gear_nr_eps .and. gear_nr_count .ge. gear_nr_mincount .and.&
942  ((t9_conv .lt. heating_t9_tol))) .or. &
943  ((heating_switch) .and. maxval(dabs(delta)/max(y,gear_escale)).lt.gear_nr_eps .and. &
944  dabs(m_tot-1.0d0).lt.gear_nr_eps .and. &
945  (k .eq. adapt_stepsize_maxcount))) then
946  exit newton_raphson
947  end if
949  end do newton_raphson
951  ! Gear usually converges quite well without adapting the time step
952  if (.not. gear_ignore_adapt_stepsize) then
953  ! if previous loop didn't have problems converging ...
954  ! This basically never happens, but it's good to have it
955  ! Dont do it in NSE, because it will always fail
956  exit_condition = exit_condition .and. ((gear_nr_count.le.gear_nr_maxcount) .or. (evolution_mode .eq. em_nse))
957  if (heating_switch) then
958  ! Dont be too strict in the last adapt stepsize iteration
959  if (k .ne. adapt_stepsize_maxcount) then
960  exit_condition = exit_condition .and. (max(t9,t9_p)/min(t9,t9_p)-1 .lt. timestep_hydro_factor)
961  end if
962  end if
963  if (exit_condition) exit adapt_stepsize
964  else
965  exit adapt_stepsize
966  end if
968  ! Check if the maxcount is reached and try one last time
969  ! to get it to convergence
970  if (k .eq. adapt_stepsize_maxcount) then
972  else
973  stepsize = 0.5*stepsize
974  end if
977  end do adapt_stepsize
979  ! if still not converged, complain and exit
980  if (k.gt.adapt_stepsize_maxcount) then
981  call raise_exception("Max. number of steps reached. Probably try to change "//new_line('A')//&
982  'the "adapt_stepsize_maxcount", "gear_nr_maxcount", or "gear_nr_eps" parameter.',&
983  'advance_gear',430010)
984  end if
987  ! Update entropy
988  if (.not. (heating_switch)) then
989  if (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. "from_file") then
990  if (time.le.ztime(zsteps) .and. (t9 .gt. freeze_rate_temp*1.0000001)) then
991  ! update entropy using the temperature
992  state%abar = sum(y(1:net_size)*isotope(1:net_size)%mass) &
993  / sum(y(1:net_size))
994  call timmes_eos(ink,t9*1.d9,rhob,ye,state,eos_status)
995  if(eos_status.ne.0) call raise_exception("An error occured in the EOS.",&
996  'advance_implicit_euler',430009)
997  ent = state%s
998  else
999  ! adiabatic expansion
1000  ent = ent_p
1001  end if
1002  else if (trim(adjustl(trajectory_mode)) .eq. "analytic") then
1003  if (t9 .gt. freeze_rate_temp*1.0000001) then
1004  ! update entropy using the temperature
1005  state%abar = sum(y(1:net_size)*isotope(1:net_size)%mass) &
1006  / sum(y(1:net_size))
1007  call timmes_eos(ink,t9*1.d9,rhob,ye,state,eos_status)
1008  if(eos_status.ne.0) call raise_exception("An error occured in the EOS.",&
1009  'advance_implicit_euler',430009)
1010  ent = state%s
1011  end if
1012  end if
1013  end if
1015  ! Update NSE abundances, only in NSE evolution mode
1016  if (evolution_mode .eq. em_nse) then
1017  ! Update at all?
1018  if (nse_calc_every .ne. 0) then
1019  ! Update every nse_calc_step
1020  if (modulo(cnt,nse_calc_every) .eq. 0) then
1021  call winnse_guess( t9, rhob, ye, y(ineu), y(ipro), y)
1022  end if
1023  end if
1024  end if
1026  ydiff = y-predictor
1028  ! set the new result based on ydiff obtained in NR scheme
1029  call set_new_result(ydiff)
1031  ! calculate errors and possible stepsizes and take q(+-1) with largest stepsize
1032  call prepare_next_step
1034 end subroutine advance_gear
1036 end module timestep_module
The timestep_module contains all timestep subroutines and newton-raphsons to solve the ODE system.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:20
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable y
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:21
integer, parameter ink
Definition: ls_timmes_eos_module.f:14
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, public pf
Partition function for a given temperature.
Definition: winnse_module.f90:38
real(r_kind) function, dimension(net_size), public get_predictor_dydt()
Determines the predicted dydt_next.
Definition: gear_module.f90:332
subroutine, public select_optimistic_timestep(init)
Selects the timestep.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:497
real(r_kind) function, public get_time()
The current time.
Definition: gear_module.f90:196
Module to calculate NSE.
Definition: winnse_module.f90:34
logical, public heating_switch
Variables related to nuclear heating.
Definition: global_class.f90:41
real(r_kind) freeze_rate_temp
Tmperature at which rates get frozen (for reacl. rates this should be 1d-2GK)
Definition: parameter_class.f90:84
real(r_kind) timestep_ymin
Lower limit of the abundance to contribute to the timestep calculation, default value is 1....
Definition: parameter_class.f90:135
integer nse_calc_every
Compute NSE abundances every x step.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:89
subroutine, public winnse_guess(t9, rho, ye, yn_guess, yp_guess, ysol)
Calculate NSE composition with an initial guess.
Definition: winnse_module.f90:116
integer, public ipro
index of alphas, neutrons and protons
Definition: global_class.f90:94
subroutine expansion(t, dt, ye, dens, rad_in, temp, entropy, vel_in, abar)
Returns temperature, radius, density, and entropy after the trajectory has ended.
Definition: expansion_module.f90:240
integer snapshot_amount
Amount of custom snapshots.
Definition: analysis.f90:31
Definition: ls_timmes_eos_module.f:2
Module inter_module with interpolation routines.
Definition: inter_module.f90:13
real(r_kind) rhob
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:17
real(r_kind) timestep_factor
Factor for the change of the timestep (see nu in Winteler 2012 Eq. 2.49). Default value is 1....
Definition: parameter_class.f90:133
integer gear_nr_maxcount
Maximum newton-raphson iterations for gear solver.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:141
real, dimension(:), allocatable snapshot_time
point in time for custom snapshot
Definition: analysis.f90:30
subroutine, public advance_implicit_euler(cnt)
Advance system to the next step for the implicit Euler method.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:636
real(r_kind) t9
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:15
Takes care of the temperature and entropy updates due to the nuclear energy release.
Definition: nuclear_heating.f90:11
real(r_kind) rkm
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:18
real(r_kind) timestep_max
Maximum factor for the change of the timestep. The new timestep is only allowed to be timestep_max * ...
Definition: parameter_class.f90:132
real(r_kind) ent
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:20
subroutine, public get_solution_at(time_inter, Y_inter)
Determines the solution at a given point in time for [ti-h, ti].
Definition: gear_module.f90:346
real(r_kind) gear_nr_eps
Convergence criterion for the newton-raphson of the gear solver.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:139
real(r_kind) function, public get_timestep()
The current timestep.
Definition: gear_module.f90:210
Error handling routines.
Definition: error_msg_class.f90:16
Subroutines to handle parametric evolution of hydrodynamic quantities after the final timestep of the...
Definition: expansion_module.f90:16
subroutine, private update_hydro(time_i, temperature, density, radius, entropy, efraction, T_tr)
Returns temperature, density, and radius for a given time "time_i".
Definition: timestep_module.f90:539
integer termination_criterion
condition to terminate the simulation ([0]=trajectory_file, 1=final_time, 2=final_temp,...
Definition: parameter_class.f90:127
real(r_kind) rad
radial distance [km]
Definition: expansion_module.f90:33
subroutine, public set_xi
Function to calculate xi (needed for getting l in the corrector step)
Definition: gear_module.f90:421
real(r_kind) gear_escale
Normalization cutoff for gear solver, similar to timestep_Ymin for Euler.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:137
real(r_kind) t9h_p
Temperature [GK] storage for heating mode 2.
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:16
integer, public gear_nr_count
counter for NR steps
Definition: gear_module.f90:68
real(r_kind) nsetemp_cold
T [GK] for the nse->network switch.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:119
subroutine, public masscalc(Y, m_tot)
Total mass used to check the mass conservation.
Definition: nucstuff_class.f90:384
integer evolution_mode
NSE, network hot/cold, etc.
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:23
subroutine timestep(ctime, temp, dens, entropy, Y, dYdt, Ye, delYe, h, evmode)
Network timestepping along the thermodynamic trajectory, specified by {ztime, ztemp,...
Definition: timestep_module.f90:54
subroutine, public netsolve(rhs, res)
The solver core.
Definition: pardiso_class.f90:247
subroutine timmes_eos(var, vin, d, Ye, state, status)
Definition: ls_timmes_eos_module.f:49
real(r_kind) final_dens
termination density [g/cm3]
Definition: parameter_class.f90:131
integer nr_maxcount
– Newton-Raphson iterative loop parameters
Definition: parameter_class.f90:204
subroutine, public raise_exception(msg, sub, error_code)
Raise a exception with a given error message.
Definition: error_msg_class.f90:245
real(r_kind) initial_stepsize
this value is used as a stepsize at initial step
Definition: parameter_class.f90:128
integer nr_mincount
Minimum iterations in NR.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:205
logical timestep_traj_limit
Should the timestep be limited by the timestep of the trajectory.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:144
real(r_kind) timestep_hydro_factor
Factor for the maximum change of the hydrodynamic quantities (density and temperature)
Definition: parameter_class.f90:134
real(r_kind) rkm_p
Radius of the outflow [km].
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:18
real(r_kind) function, private hydro_timestep(h1, ctime, temp, dens, entropy, ttemp, tdens, Ye)
Estimate the hydro timestep.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:415
real(r_kind) function, private ye_timestep(h, Ye, delYe)
Estimate the timestep from the change of electron fraction.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:344
subroutine, public abchange(time, itemp, rho, Ye, rkm, Y, dYdt, evolution_mode)
This subroutine calculates the change in abundances (dYdt) due to reaction rates at given temperature...
Definition: jacobian_class.f90:290
real(r_kind) function, dimension(net_size), public get_solution()
Gives a copy of the solution at the current time.
Definition: gear_module.f90:297
integer gear_nr_mincount
Minimum newton-raphson iterations for gear solver.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:142
logical gear_ignore_adapt_stepsize
Flag whether gear should ignore the adapt stepsize loop.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:143
subroutine, public set_new_result(ydiff)
Updates the solution (corrector step)
Definition: gear_module.f90:476
integer, public ineu
Definition: global_class.f90:94
character(max_fname_len) rho_analytic
analytic density [g/cm3]
Definition: parameter_class.f90:187
type(isotope_type), dimension(:), allocatable, public isotope
all nuclides used in the network
Definition: global_class.f90:34
real(r_kind) time_p
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:13
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, public ztime
time information from trajectory
Definition: hydro_trajectory.f90:19
Module with helper functions such as rate tabulation, partition functions, and theoretical weak rates...
Definition: nucstuff_class.f90:11
character(max_fname_len) rkm_analytic
analytic radial scale [km]
Definition: parameter_class.f90:188
subroutine, public interp1d(n, xp, xb, yp, res, flin, itype)
Interface for 1D interpolation routines.
Definition: inter_module.f90:100
real(r_kind) heating_density
Density at which nuclear heating will be switched on (-1) to always include heating.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:124
subroutine, public set_timestep(timestep)
Set the current timestep.
Definition: gear_module.f90:233
real(r_kind) heating_t9_tol
Convergence parameter for the temperature in the heating mode.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:149
real(r_kind) ent_p
Entropy [kB/baryon].
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:20
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable f
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:22
Subroutines for equation parsing in case of an analytic trajectory or luminosity mode.
Definition: parser_module.f90:22
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, public zrad
radii from trajectory
Definition: hydro_trajectory.f90:23
subroutine, public find_start_value(input_string, eq_value, initial_guess, converged, result)
Finds a value of the variable for a given y-value.
Definition: parser_module.f90:856
real(r_kind) vel
velocity [km/s]
Definition: expansion_module.f90:32
real(r_kind) function, public get_l1()
The current l_1 (in Fortran: l(2))
Definition: gear_module.f90:281
integer solver
solver flag (0 - implicit Euler, 1 - Gear's method, ...), is integer as it is faster than comparing s...
Definition: parameter_class.f90:147
subroutine, public el_ab(Y, Ye)
Computes the electron fraction.
Definition: nucstuff_class.f90:219
real(r_kind) function, public parse_string(input_string, var_value)
Takes a string and evaluates the expression.
Definition: parser_module.f90:807
integer, public net_size
total number of isotopes (network size)
Definition: global_class.f90:93
real(r_kind) function, dimension(net_size), public get_predictor_y()
Determines the predicted y_next.
Definition: gear_module.f90:314
subroutine, public nuclear_heating_update(nr_count, rho, Ye, pf, Y_p, Y, entropy_p, entropy, T9_p, T9, T9_tr_p, T9_tr, timestep, T9conv)
Modifies the temperature and entropy to account for nuclear heating.
Definition: nuclear_heating.f90:320
integer adapt_stepsize_maxcount
max. iterations in adapting the stepsize
Definition: parameter_class.f90:207
character *20 trajectory_mode
determines how trajectory is calculated (from_file|analytic|expand)
Definition: parameter_class.f90:90
character(:) function, allocatable, public num_to_str(num)
Converts a given real to a string with format "(1pE10.2)".
Definition: error_msg_class.f90:205
integer heating_mode
Mode for heating: 0 - no heating, 1 - heating using an entropy equation, 2 - heating from the energy ...
Definition: parameter_class.f90:148
Contains various routines for analysis and diagnostic output.
Definition: analysis.f90:9
real(r_kind) time
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:13
Contains subroutines for sparse matrix assembly and the solver core.
Definition: pardiso_class.f90:24
real(r_kind) stepsize
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:14
#define r_kind
Definition: macros.h:46
logical h_custom_snapshots
Same, but in hdf5 format.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:108
subroutine, private restrict_timestep(ctime, h, temp, dens, ttemp, tdens)
Restricting the previously selected timestep.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:141
subroutine, public set_l
Function to calculate (needed for the corrector step)
Definition: gear_module.f90:448
integer zsteps
number of timesteps in the hydro trajectory
Definition: hydro_trajectory.f90:17
Contains arrays representing thermodynamic conditions from hydro trajectory file.
Definition: hydro_trajectory.f90:14
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, public zdens
density information from trajectory
Definition: hydro_trajectory.f90:21
real(r_kind) nr_tol
exit NR if tolerance less than this value
Definition: parameter_class.f90:206
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable dydt
Time derivative of the abundances.
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:22
subroutine, public prepare_next_step
Stepsize and order control to pepare the next step.
Definition: gear_module.f90:503
subroutine, public jacobi_init(time, itemp, rho, rkm, Y, Y_p, dYdt, rhs, h, evolution_mode)
This subroutine calculates the entries in the jacobian and the right-hand side of the numerical integ...
Definition: jacobian_class.f90:539
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable y_p
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:21
real(r_kind) final_time
termination time in seconds
Definition: parameter_class.f90:129
Contains subroutines to assemble the system Jacobian and changes in the abundances.
Definition: jacobian_class.f90:12
real(r_kind) final_temp
termination temperature [GK]
Definition: parameter_class.f90:130
Contains types and objects shared between multiple modules.
Definition: global_class.f90:19
real(r_kind) nu_max_time
Maximum time for neutrino reactions to react.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:198
character(max_fname_len) t9_analytic
analytic temperature [T9]
Definition: parameter_class.f90:186
real(r_kind) ye
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:19
subroutine, public output_nr_diagnostic(cnt, k, nr_c, ctime, T9, stepsize, mtot, Y_p, Y)
Output of the Newton-Raphson loop diagnostics.
Definition: analysis.f90:770
Definition: ls_timmes_eos_module.f:23
real(r_kind) function, private abchange_timestep(h, Y, dYdt)
Estimate the timestep from the abundances change.
Definition: timestep_module.f90:373
real(r_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, public ztemp
temperature information from trajectory
Definition: hydro_trajectory.f90:20
subroutine, public nordsieck_product
Nordsieck vector-matrix product.
Definition: gear_module.f90:393
logical custom_snapshots
If true, a file must be provided with numbers in days. Snapshots will be created for these points in ...
Definition: parameter_class.f90:107
integer nuflag
defines type of neutrino reactions used
Definition: parameter_class.f90:85
Simulation variables for a single zone model.
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:11
subroutine, public revert_timestep(timestep)
Revert a timestep.
Definition: gear_module.f90:262
subroutine, public shift_tau
Shifts tau vector and controls the current time.
Definition: gear_module.f90:371
subroutine, public advance_gear(cnt)
Advance system to the next step using the Gear method (using gear_module)
Definition: timestep_module.f90:828
gear_module contains adaptive high-order Gear solver
Definition: gear_module.f90:37
real(r_kind) t9_p
Temperature [GK].
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:15
subroutine, public inverse_interp1d(n, xp, xb, yp, res, flin, itype, reverse_type)
The inverse of the 1D interpolation function.
Definition: inter_module.f90:926
subroutine, public init_dydt(dYdt)
Initialize dYdt component of the Nordsieck vector.
Definition: gear_module.f90:181
Contains all runtime parameters as well as phys and math constants.
Definition: parameter_class.f90:24
real(r_kind) ye_p
Electron fraction [mol/g].
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:19
real(r_kind) t9h
Definition: single_zone_vars.f90:16